Xbox Live Search By Gamertag

Xbox live search by gamertag generatorLive

My sharpshooter status aside, I've always been surprised upset that Microsoft has never provided an API for the vast amount of information about users, the games they play, and statistics within the games. Namely, I'd like to publicly shame every n00b I've baptized with my sniper rifle. I recently found a great gamer API effort by While their API can't tell me the titles and emblems I've earned in Black Ops II, I can get some relevant information about my user, my status, and the games I've recently dominated. is a member of the Xbox Community Developer Program. All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. Celebrity Xbox Gamertags. Famous people play Xbox too. Check out these celebrities XBOX LIVE profiles. Xbox Live (formerly styled as Xbox LIVE) is an online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service created and operated by Microsoft.It was first made available to the Xbox system on November 15, 2002. An updated version of the service became available for the Xbox 360 console at the system's launch in November 2005, and a further enhanced version was released in 2013 with the Xbox One.

Xbox API

XboxLeaders currently offers data in three formats (XML, JSON, and serialized PHP) at four API endpoints to retrieve information from:

  • GET profile/:gamertag - Returns data pertaining to the requested gamers' profile on Xbox LIVE.
  • GET games/:gamertag - Returns data pertaining to the requested gamers' played games. All game data is returned except for achievements.
  • GET achievements/:gamertag/:gameid - Returns all achievement data for the requested gamer and game.
  • GET friends/:gamertag - Returns all friend data for the requested gamer. Will error out if friends list is private.

These endpoints allow developers to access all of the important gamer-specific data available. XboxLeaders is also working on a POST implementation for sendings messages. Authorization may become required for this API, but the API is currently open to anyone that wants to use it.

Calls to the profile API will return the following information:

Enter gamertag get ip

That's a nice amount of data to work with. The other API calls will return likewise relevant information.

Using the Xbox Gamer API

So what can be created with this Xbox Gamer API? That's up to your imagination! Let me use this awesome API to create a gamer card!

This is a simple gamer card. An awesome addition would be a side scrolling list of games, and possibly a display of achievements when you click on each game. In any event, XboxLeaders' API will get you the information you need.

XboxLeaders' enhanced Xbox Gamer API is easy to use, dependable, and unique. This API fills a gap Microsoft has created by not providing a public Xbox API, and does it incredibly well. As always, do your best to cache requests so as to keep their server load low and your site fast. Let me know if you create something with this API -- I'd love to see it!


Gamertag Availability Lookup

  • The Gamertag search tool is very useful if you need to check if a Gamertag is available or taken. Also, you can check multiple Gamertags and make a list of available Gamertags you like prior to setting one for your account. Considering that you can only change a Gamertag limited times before paying for the change this is a very good idea.

What Is A Gamertag?

Find Xbox Account By Gamertag

  • A Gamertag is basically a username for your Xbox character, something that will represent you in the Xbox ecosystem. It's what other gamers will know you by and call you and what they see when you are playing with them. An easy to remember and catchy Gamertag will make you stand out in the crowd so it is a good idea to test multiple Gamertag ideas before choosing the proper one for your Xbox account.

How To Get A Gamertag?

  • The first step is to gather a list of Gamertag ideas. It can be linked to your preferences or some other factors. Then, you need to check each idea to see if it is available. Each Gamertag has to be unique, there can not be two different accounts with the same Gamertag. If a Gamertag is already taken you must choose something else.

How To Change A Gamertag?

Pull Ip From Xbox Gamertag

  • By default, a Gamertag is generated when you create the Xbox account. But usually they are pretty ugly and hard to remember. Most likely you don't like it because you are here to check available Gamertags. Be aware that you can only change it once for free. The fee varies by region but generally costs around 10 US dollars. You can find the option to change your Gamertag in the personalization/profile settings into your Xbox account or console settings.