MegaGames - founded in 1998, is a comprehensive hardcore gaming resource covering PC, Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Mobile Games, News, Trainers, Mods, Videos, Fixes, Patches. For Offline use only. How to Install Download files Once download is complete, extract rar files. (right click extract) Simply copy and paste OFFLINE-ONLYProjectOrion3kExtendedBoundary.package in C: Program Files (x86) Origin Games SimCity SimCityData Start SimCity Play new map Choose city tile Save Quit SimCity (not work if exit to Main Menu) Re-Start SimCity Resume Game.
EA’s claims that SimCity has to be online in order to work have been proven untrue, as a fan gets it running offline and with bigger city plots.
According to EA one of the primary reasons why SimCity requires a permanent Internet connection is because many of the computations for the game are done in the cloud on EA’s servers, rather than by your PC. But a fan has proven that this is not in fact true.
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The small size of the city maps has been one of the major criticisms of the new SimCity, but now it transpires that their limits are also artificial. Especially as the changes can still be saved on the server, without causing any problems.
AzzerUK’s most important discovery though is that the game does not have to be online to run, only to save and use the multiplayer features.
Also modded out the disconnect timer can now play ‘offline’ indefinitely.
Even found a way to fix the game’s broken population count, which has been criticised for bearing no relation to the number of sims that actually live in your city.
The official SimCity Twitter recently posted conflicting messages about the possibility of an offline mode. The company has assured users that the launch issues are nearly over, and EA has promised a free game to affected users.

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